+ Ordre Souverain et Militaire
du Temple de Jérusalem +

+ Sovereign & Military Order
of the Temple of Jerusalem +

Welcome to the website of the “Ordre Souverain et Militaire du Temple de Jérusalem – InternationalOSMTJ INTERNATIONAL.    
We are the INTERNATIONAL ORDER of the Knights Templar OSMTJ Worldwide, and we represent the THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD of The Order: 
THE GRAND MAGISTERIAL COUNCIL (GMC) / THE MAGISTERIUM, THE GRAND EXECUTIVE COUNCIL & THE REGENCY COUNCIL, and host more then 20 National Grand Priories OSMTJ International, spread around the World.

As OSMTJ.WORLD – WORLD TEMPLAR ORDER (WTO) we are also known as the umbrella body that seeks to bring together all Temple Organizations, regardless OSMTJ or OSMTH, for the purpose of sovereign and autonomous cooporation, and represent THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF OSMTJ.WORLD – WORLD TEMPLAR ORDER (WTO). (www.osmtj.world), and host 64 National Grand Priories spread around the World. 

Besides our TEMPLAR identity and structure :

OSMTJ INTERNATIONAL / WORLD currently has several branches and together these have over 60 National Grand Priories spread across Europe, North America, South America, Asia and Africa. Each of these Grand Priories is part of the worldwide OSMTJ INTERNATIONAL NET  and must adhere to the principles and statutes of The Order, but works completely autonomously and has the right to self-determination. As  ‘Governing Body’, we are literally “open” to all – and are willing to cooperate, in full transparency, with any legitimate Order, anywhere in the world.

Ordre Souverain et Militaire du Temple de Jérusalem”, translated in English as “Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem” & translated in Latin as “Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hierosolymitani” , better known as the “Knights Templar”. Historically, the Knights Templar, or “Templars,” were a Christian order of Monks founded almost 950 years ago… (officially in 1118 A.D.).   Named for the Temple of Salomon in Jerusalem, the Templars initially protected pilgrims traveling through the Holy Lands, but eventually evolved into a powerful military force that waged war to protect the Holy Land during the Crusades.

Today’s Knights Templar take their inspiration from the highest ideals and values of the medieval Order of the Knights Templar.  “O.S.M.T.J. concerns a private society and community of Brothers & Sisters, and an Order of Knights, who in imitation of the historical predecessors: “The Templars”, strive for the perfection of mankind in general, and of our Brothers & Sisters in particular, by applying an ideal of Peace, Love, Nobility, Humility and Fraternity and this according to the ancient handed down tradition, taking into account the current social tendencies and developments.

We respect the historical rules of tradition and hereby respect the handed down customs, habits and rituals. We are socially representative as an Order and explicitly oppose elitism. We are composed of all layers of the population, regardless of race, sex, age, ideology and level of education.  As a ‘group’ we want to reflect the society in which we live and we want to devise solutions for a more prosperous world through thorough study, thinking and communication, we promote historical studies, heraldry, and the genealogy of the Order and promote, through the values ​​of friendship, loyalty and respect, feelings of universal brotherhood and ideals of solidarity between all people.

Through our knowledge and skills, we want to work for the protection of our fellow man, the weaker in society, in general and the welfare of animals & nature and environment in particular, and we consider it our special mission and duty to give help to third parties, to the poor and needy, and to undertake charitable actions.

We embrace and accept our pluralistic and multicultural society and by affirming ‘freedom of conscience’ we demand from all our members absolute respect for the views of others.  We oppose all forms of injustice, oppression and discrimination. We do not support any actions that would disturb peace and order in society, and we submit to the laws of the country and/or region in which we operate.

+ Ordre Souverain et Militaire
du Temple de Jérusalem +