By decision taken on this day, December 10th, 2022, the full Board of the “GMC”, unanimously decided to proceed, with immediate effect, the expulsion / expelling of:
Former Grand Secretary General of The Order and Grand Prior of the USA.
This for reason of Mutiny, Insubordination, Total Incompetence, Fraudulent practices, Complete unreliability, Failure to perform his duties, Bad Behavior, Troublemaking among the Brothers & Sisters and Total Lack of Templar Knowledge.
Mr. Jones has a great responsibility in the History of conspiracies & the division of the Templar World:
– In 2016 he conspired to depose the 52th Grand Master; H.E? Grand Master Michel Van Der Stock,
– In 2018 he separated from the authority of Grand Master of the Order in Italy under Grand Master Rumulu, joining then Regent H.E. Nicolas Haimovici Hastier,
– In 2019, once again he committed mutiny in the face of the Regent H.E. Prof. Dr. Nicolas Haimovici Hastier, & the entire “Regency Council“,
– In 2020 he deposed for Ret. General Ronald Mangum, Grand master OTJ,
– and in 2022 ( just 11 months ago) he called for elections where I was elected Grand Master of the OSMTJ.
– Just this morning Mr. Jones created a chat room with the purpose of handing over OSMTJ to the OSMTHU.
He seeks only power, prestige and money and, in doing so, he tries to operate in the background himself. From the moment he feels he doesn’t have the total power and control, or something does not go to his liking, he tries to impose his will by falsely accusing all his colleagues and superiors …
Also this week Mr. Jones contacted a member of our Grand Magisterial Council stating that there was a need to replace te current GPM … and that he needed a new Grand Master for The Order.
This under any circumstance this is called treason and munity, and is behavior unbecoming of a Knight Templar and a Christian.
– How many more victims does he have to make ?
– How many more branches OSMTJ is he going to create ?
– How many disagreements and divisions in the Templar Community is he going to create ?
– For how long are we going to allow these individuals to continue destroying the name and reputation of our Order.
That is why our Council decided to expelled and publicly announce it’s decision.
As of today, Mr. Timothy Bryant JONES is no longer Grand Secretary General or Grand Prior and loses all his titles and all ranks entrusted.
He has no longer access to the Templar Archives and may no longer use the external Insignia & Signs of The International Order and may no longer identify himself as part of OSMTJ-INTERNATIONAL .
This decision is effective immediately.

From here on we, as an Order, will move forward not only continuing our Templar works, but also following the true values of the Temple.
We still look forward to growing our relationships with other true Templar Orders.
May the Grace and Blessings of our Lord be with each one of you always.
H.E. Mgr., Luis J. MARTINEZ, KGCTJ, °33