Welcome Brothers & Sisters to our new website.
It is with great pleasure that I can now announce that the official name of our Order from now on is OSMTJ INTERNATIONAL.
From now on you can always find us on the websites :
www.osmtj-international.net & OSMTJ.world.
At the beginning of this year, the Grand Priory of Belgium joined our Order. This brings us the authentic and oldest Order of Europe which allows us to strengthen our legitimacy as the rightful Order. As a result, our pedigree extends to the year 1797 !
Moreover, H.E. Mgr. Prof. Dr. Rudy R.H.R. STEVENS, Ph.D., (KGCTJ), The Grand Prior Magister of Belgium , together with H.E. Mgr. Prof. Dr. H.E. Nicolas HAIMOVICI HASTIER, (KGCTJ), Honorary Regent and President of the Regency Council and H.E. Mgr. Jean-Louis LAMS, (KGCTJ), Grand Chancellor of Belgium, are together part of the REGENCY COUNCIL !
OSMTJ INTERNATIONAL is the umbrella body of the OSMTJ Grand Priories distributed around the world. We host only worthy and representative Templar Grand Priories.
We work under the motto :
“Together we are stronger and work for a better world for all”.