OSMTJ – INTERNATIONAL Ordre Souverain et Militaire du Temple de Jérusalem INTERNATIONAL CONVENTOFOSMTJ INTERNATIONAL 2025ANTWERP OSMTJ INTERNATIONAL invites you to their International Convent that, this year, will take place in ANTWERP, Belgium, and that will take us straight to the ‘roots’ of our historical Order: ORVAL and BOUILLON, both located in Belgium. Grand Master H.E. […]
Author: Rudy Stevens
World Templar Expedition
OSMTJ – INTERNATIONAL Ordre Souverain et Militaire du Temple de JérusalemJoin us – during the International Convents on an Educational, Adventurous Journey of discovery OSMTJ INTERNATIONAL is organizing […]
Warning from The Grand Master
Beware of Fraudulent Practices and Pseudo Templars The landscape of the numerous Templar Orders scattered around the world is divided and now consists of numerous diverse neo-Templar organizations, (about 150) , all of which claim to be the original, the oldest or the best… The world of Templars captures the imagination of many. ‘The Knighthood’ , […]
GRAND PRIOR OF PORTUGAL H.R.H. Prince Dom Nuno Henriques Monteiro e Silva BARROSO, KGCTJ, Grand Prior of The Grand Priory Lusitano of Portugal OSMTJ INTERNATIONALCasa Real de Borgonha Afonsina It is our special honor, and with great pleasure that we can introduce to you the new Grand Prior of Portugal: H.R.H. Prince Dom Nuno Henriques […]
H.E. Mgr. Chev. Fra. Joao Pedro CAMEIRA GOMESGTG / GPM / KGCTJ GRAND TREASURER GENERALOSMTJ INTERNATIONAL GRAND PRIOR MAGISTER OF PORTUGAL GRAND CROSS OFFICER / GRAND COLLARINSPECTOR INQUISITOR COMMANDEROF THE TEMPLE – °30 To our great regret, we have received the resignation of our Grand Prior of Portugal and Grand Treasurer General: Fra. Joao Pedro Cameira […]
H.E. Fra. Olivier VANEECKHOUT GRAND COMMANDER PRECEPTOR OF FRANCE We are pleased to announce the installation of our new Grand Priory France. The Grand Priory of France’s name is: “ OSMTJ FRANCE / OSMTJ INTERNATIONAL – “Rennes-le-Château” and is located at the most “Sacred Ground” for both Templars and Freemasons. It works under the expert guidance of: H.E. Fra. […]
H.E. Mgr. / Fra. Jean-Louis LAMS , IR , KGCTJ GRAND COMMANDER PRECEPTOR OF COLOMBIA On Sept. 1, 2024, H.E. Mgr. Jean-Louis LAMS, IR, KGCTJ, was appointed Grand Commander Preceptor of Colombia. Brother LAMS has been serving in The Order for an eternity. He is Grand Cross Officer / Grand Collar and holds the […]
THE NEW GRAND MASTER H.E. Mgr. Prof. Dr. Rudy R.H.R. STEVENS, KGCTJ (Ph.D. / MPS / MMS/ MBA)GRAND MASTERPresident GRAND CROSS OFFICER / GRAND COLLARSOVEREIGN GRAND INSPECTOR GENERALOF THE TEMPLE – °33 H.E. Dr. Rudy Stevens was unanimously elected Grand Master, on March 20th, 2024, after International Elections. To ensure the global legitimacy these elections were organized and controlled by […]
OSMTJ – INTERNATIONAL Ordre Souverain et Militaire du Temple de Jérusalem Sovereign & Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem A N N O U N C E M E N T ELECTIONS GRAND MASTER2024 Following the passing of our Beloved GRAND MASTER: H.E. Mgr. Luis J. MARTINEZ, KGCTJ, °33 (USA), on Januari 20th, 2024, the daily management of The Order was entrusted to the […]
EXPELLING OF Vincenzo TUCCILO IODICE Excellencies,Noble Brother & Sisters,Dear Brother & Friends,Dear Friends, By decision taken on this Wednesday, February 28th, 2024, the full Board of the “GMC”, unanimously decided to proceed with immediate effect, the expulsion / expelling of Mr. Vincenzo TUCCILO IODICE, Former Grand Prior of Bolivia. This for reason of: High Treason, Grand Fraud, […]
EXPELLING OF JAVIER MORONES QUINTERO Excellencies,Noble Brother & Sisters,Dear Brother & Friends,Dear Friends, By decision taken on this Saturday, Februari 10th, 2024, the full Board of the “GMC”, unanimously decided to proceed with iimmediate effect, the expulsion of Mr. Javier Morones Quintero, Former Grand Prior of Mexico. This for reason of Mutiny, Bad Behavior, Lack of Templar […]
The Passing of H.E. Luis J. MARTINEZ
+ Ordre Souverain et Militaire du Temple de Jérusalem + THE GRAND MASTER 13-11-1963 / 20-01-2024 H.E. Mgr. Luis Jose MARTINEZGRAND MASTERO.S.M.T.J. WORLD O.S.M.T.J. INTERNATIONAL RGRAND CROSS OFFICER / GRAND COLLARSOVEREIGN GRAND INSPECTOR GENERALOF THE TEMPLE – °33 It is with great regret that we have to bring you the sad news, and must report the […]
2023 GRAND PRIORY USA, Florida, Orlando
Joao Pedro CAMEIRA GOMES is a Portuguese-American Citizen. He was born in Angola, Africa.At the age of 16 he went to live in the United States.He graduated from The University oof Cincinnati, in the USA, with a Masters’s Degree in Economy and Political Science.His professional life has always been focused on the food industry. He […]
H.E. Fra. Prof. Dr. Ilija ZIVOTIC, KGCTJ, °30 GRAND PRIOR MAGISTER OF SERBIA Prince & Duke of Ozrinic, MontenegroGrand Seneschal General of OSMTJ InternationalGrand Prior Magister of SerbiaGrand Commander General of Guardia TemplariIllustrious Master G.O.M.T.I.Inspector Inquisitor Commander of The Temple
EXPELLING OF Alexandra PISSARRA By decision taken on this Sunday, September 24th, 2023, the full Board of the “GMC”, unanimously decided to proceed with immediate effect, the expulsion / expelling of Mrs. Alexandra PISSARRA, Former Grand Prior of Portugal. This for reason of Mutiny, Insubordination, Total Incompetence, Fraudulent practices, Failure to perform her duties, Bad Behavior, Troublemaking […]
International Convent Tomar 2023
OSMTJ-INTERNATIONAL + Ordre Souverain et Militaire du Temple de Jérusalem + INTERNATIONAL CONVENTOFOSMTJ INTERNATIONAL 2023TOMAR OSMTJ INTERNATIONAL invites you to their First International Convent that will pass through in one of the most Templar locations in the world : TOMAR, PORTUGAL. Grand Master : Luis J. MARTINEZ & the members of the GRAND MAGISTERIAL COUNCIL […]
It is with great sadness that we have to announce the passing of our beloved Regent : H.E. Mgr. Prof. Dr. Nicolas HAIMOVICI HASTIER, (Med.DR, Ph.D.), Regent, President of the Regency Council, Guardian of The Templar Faith, He will always be in our Hearts and will always be remembered for His extraordinary intelligence, clear insights, […]
Appointment of The New Grand Prior of SPAIN
Dear Brothers and Sisters. It is with great honor and joy that I would like to present our new Grand Prior for Spain H.E. Prior Pedro Julio Martínez Padrón.He comes to us with a lot of experience in the Templar world and a true and genuine commitment to the growth of the Temple and charity. […]
Dear Brothers and Sisters, It is with great joy and humbleness that I share the recognition bestowed unpon our Order. On January 7, 2023 H.R.H. SAR Prince Dom Nuno Henriques Montero e Silva Barroso , Prince of Portugal, from the Royal House of Borgonha-Alfonsina and the Prince and Noble House of Fernandez & Torres, the recognizing […]
Appointment of The New Grand Prior USA
We are proud to announce that as of today Brother Daniel TURBYFILL has been appointed to the new Grand Prior for the USA.
By decision taken on this day, December 10th, 2022, the full Board of the “GMC”, unanimously decided to proceed, with immediate effect, the expulsion / expelling of : Mr. Timothy BRYANT JONES, Former Grand Secretary General of The Order and Grand Prior of the USA. This for reason of Mutiny, Insubordination, Total Incompetence, Fraudulent […]
EXPULSION of Mr. Phillipe Ghostine MATTA

December 10, 2022 OPEN LETTER FROM THE OFFICE OF THE GRAND MASTER Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today the Grand Magisterial Council & The Magisterium of the Ordre Souverain et Militaire du Temple de Jerusalem decided in its regular meeting to EXPELL from our Order : Mr. Phillipe GHOSTINE MATTA , Former Grand Prior of Lebanon […]
Dear Brothers and Sisters, It is with great joy that I share with you the cooperation, recognition and friendship agreement signed between the OSMTHU and OSMTJ INTERNATIONAL. The ceremony took place in the monastery of Arraiolos, Portugal on December 3, 2022. Representing our Order was H.E. Mgr. Rudy R.H.R. STEVENS, Grand Seneschal General and Grand […]
GRAND MASTER H.E. Michel VAN DER STOCK (BE)51 st GRAND MASTER It is with great sadness that we have to announce the passing of the 51st GRAND MASTER H.E. Michel VAN DER STOCK (BE). The Belgian H.E. Michel VAN DER STOCK was legitimately elected the 51st Grand Master and directed the global OSMTJ. His profound […]

FROM THE OFFICE OF THE GRAND MASTER Dear Brothers and Sisters, It is with great pleasure that I would like to share this Agreement of recognition and friendship between our two brotherly orders. The Ordem Templaria de Sao Pedro is one dedicated to the principals of Templarism as well as carrying out its Christian duties […]

Dear Brothers and Sisters, It is with great pleasure that I would like to share this Agreement of recognition and friendship between our two brotherly orders. “The Ordem Dos Cavaleiros Montesanto” is one dedicated to the principals of Templarism as well as carrying out its Christian duties of charity works and helping the needy. May […]